Monday, October 26, 2009

Managing Neck pain and shoulder pains

It is common to experience neck pain due to our everyday life. It associated with bad positioning when sleep, carrying heavy load on the shoulder or sitting in front of the TV for a long time. In this article I am going to discus some few tips on how best to Manage neck and shoulder pain.

Shoulder pain can be very disturbing if not properly handle. One of the best ways to tackler a serious shoulder pain is to sit in a still position with your eye close looking straight forward. Now spread your arms wide apart , stay still until you have achieve a complete balance then gradually flap your arms in an up and down rotation, continue trying with different direction until you strike the right key. Movements like these flex the muscle and open the upper shoulder blade. Continuous try will relief ever shoulders pains.

Neck pain as a said earlier is associated with sitting in front of your computer for too long and one of the common ways to tackle it is to run you thumb gradually along the neck muscle until you locate the area of pain. Note that application of a little jelly might smooth the transitional movement. You then apply a little force at that particular area and continue to move in an up and down stroke, then gradually remove your thumb really slowly. Try again and again until you achieve your purpose.

The ultimate goal in all this is to achieve a more relax muscle. Thanks for reading you can get more on pains related issues by checking out Pain and Anxiety

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Anxiety Chest pains

Most people confuse Anxiety chest pain for heart attack or heart problem but it is only normal that we experience anxiety chest pain once in a while. Over the year a lot of people have run to the hospital with a suspected heart problem only to discover it is chest pain.

One of the common cause of chest pain is anxiety and anxiety occur as a result of stress and excessive worry, some common pains like nerve pain, muscular pain are associated with anxiety. Anxiety Chest pain come and go, it usually occur within the heart region, the neck and shoulder then move to the back of the head, it can be sharp or dull but it is completely harmless. It happens as a result of our day to day activities.

Remember that Chest pain is as a result of anxiety and anxiety is as a result of excessive worry. A complete understanding of how Anxiety Chest Pain occurs can give you a way of handling it. One of the easiest ways to deal with it is to completely free you of all worries and learning to be happy.

You don’t need therapy to dealing with anxiety chest pain, medication only provides temporary solution. As I said before your concerns and worries is the fuel that sparks of Anxiety Chest Pain, so the best way to treat it, is to live a stress free life. No matter how frustrated and desperate you life is, worries will only lead to Anxiety Chest Pain.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kick anxiety out of your life

The understanding what anxiety is and it effect, can give great insight on how to deal with it, in this chapter we are going to take a good look of anxiety is and it treatment. Anxiety is a situation of nervousness or apprehension over a certain situation. There are different types of Anxiety: General Anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder etc.

Let us treat each of them.

General Anxiety Disorder:-It is an excessive worry or apprehension over a certain situation even when there is little or nothing to worry about. This kind of anxiety can easily be found among mothers over the health of their children. The common symptoms which are accompanied by physical deteriorating of the body are headache, trembling, flashback, fatigue etc. There is good therapy treatment for this kind of disorder and which has yield considerable result.

Social Anxiety Disorder: - it is an overwhelming or excessive self-consciousness in everyday social environment, it is characterize by an unusual fear or worry over our environment. The common symptoms of this kind of disorder are unconscious worry of physical appearance, public embarrassment; humiliation etc. common signs are stutter, sweating unusually in public functions etc. There are effective therapy treatment for social anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorder.

Panic Disorder: - it is an anxiety disorder whereby an unexpected fear of bad or dangerous occurrence, it is characterize by an unusual feeling of fear or worry over nothing. It is accompanied by some physical feeling of chest pain, headache, dizziness etc. if these kind of disorder is experience, immediately report to the nearest mental health center.

Unfortunately this is where I have to call a day but you can get more by visiting manage your pains and anxiety

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pains during pragnancy

Pains during pregnancy are ordeal women wish to avoid. The happiness of pregnancy is cut short when the pains are remember couple with the pains they undergo during child birth. The not only physical pains but also mental and emotional, some woman easily get agitated unnecessarily. Let discuss some of these pains and how it can be manage.

There are several pains women feel during like. Hip pains, vaginal discharge, phylogenic granulomas etc.

Hip pains. Due to the expansion of the ligament within hip region, some sore pains might be experience which is cause by hormonal changes during pregnancy. There is no particular cure since it is a natural occurrence but position changing when sleeping can reduce the risk of soreness. If any sort sore is noticed within the feet, the palm the belly area, do not panic about it will all come to normal immediately child birth.

Vaginal discharged. It a normal phenomenon to experience vaginal discharge, it is nothing to worry about. But in some instance, when it becomes too frequent and smelly then the advice of your doctor should be seek.

Phylogenic granulomas. It is a harmless occurrence and should not be worry about; it is some tiny tumor growing in the gum. It vanishes immediately after child birth.

I hope this article has been more than helpful to you. Pregnancy should be a time of joy. A making of a new beginning do allow some common pain to steal your joy. You can get more on pain by visiting Pains and Anxiety

Monday, June 29, 2009

4 Pains you should never ignore.

Are you experiencing some pains? And you don’t know. This might be the solution to your problem because in this article, I am going to share with you on some common pains you should ignore. Before any drug or pain killer is taken, it should be on doctor prescription. Pains occur in our day to day life and much caution should be taken when dealing with pains. Let share on some common pains you should never ignore.
1. Headache. Headache is not being taken lightly. It could be aneurysm. The attention of a medical doctor should be consulted if you have a headache. Brain tumor can come in form of a headache.
2. Chest pain. Heart attack come in form of chest pain, heart burn also create certain discomfort in the chest. When you experience any kind discomfort in the chest, immediately report it to a medical doctor. Pneumonia could be related to chest pain, so don’t wait to see if it will melt away before you call 911.acting at right time could save you a lot.
3. Abdominal pain abdominal pain can be as a result of stomach ulcer or internal blockage. Some other possible causes are pancreas and gallbladder. We ever you experience any abdominal don’t take it like.
4. Pain in the lower back. Arthritis is some time the cause of lower back pain. Any take the pain lightly. Nagging back pain or sudden pain should be report because it might be abdominal pain. People with high blood pressure, diabetes are of high risk and if any pains are notice please report to a physician.
I hope you have learned some valuable. Don’t wait till you have a major break down. Visit the near doctor in case of emergency. Thank you for reading; you can get more by visiting Pains and Anxiety